Stages of a Dying Marriage: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Krystal DeVille

Stages of a Dying Marriage.

Not all marriages are destined to last a lifetime. While marriages begin with hope and love, the journey can sometimes lead to a marriage breakdown. The first stage of a dying marriage often goes unnoticed as couples drift into an unhealthy relationship. Understanding these stages is crucial, which can culminate in legal separation if not addressed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognizing the signs of a failing marriage can help couples address issues or prepare for the end of the relationship.
  • Open communication and rebuilding trust are essential to addressing marital issues and potentially saving the marriage.
  • Seeking professional help and focusing on emotional well-being is crucial during the separation and recovery.

Identifying Stages of a Dying Marriage

Recognizing the warning signs of a dying marriage is the first step towards addressing the issues and working towards rebuilding the relationship.

Couples may find pathways to rekindle their connection or understand when they’re no longer in a marriage anymore, but in a partnership that requires reevaluation and possibly, transformation.

Lack of communication

One of the first signs of a dying marriage is a lack of communication. Couples may find themselves having fewer conversations, and when they do talk, discussions might be purely transactional, lacking depth or emotional connection. This communication breakdown can leave both partners feeling emotionally detached, making intimacy and closeness increasingly challenging.


Another red flag is a significant decline in intimacy. This includes both emotional and physical aspects of the relationship. Hugs may become formalities, shared vulnerabilities and dreams might disappear, and the physical closeness that once brought comfort and joy may dwindle. Intimacy is the heartbeat of a marriage, and when it falters, it’s a sign that something needs to change.

doubt and resentment

When couples start making negative comparisons between their partner and others, this may suggest they are growing unsatisfied in their marriage. This negative mindset can lead to a focus on their spouse’s flaws, further deteriorating the quality of the partnership. Doubt and resentment can build, pushing partners even further apart.

Here are some additional warning signs worth noting:

  • Frequent arguments and unresolved conflicts
  • Avoiding spending time together
  • Loss of shared goals, dreams, and interests
  • Disregard for each other’s emotional well-being
  • Emotional or physical infidelity

Early Warning Signs – Disconnection and Communication Breakdown

1. Disconnection

One of the first signs of a dying marriage is the disconnection between partners. This disconnection is often a result of a breakdown in communication, which can manifest in various ways. Couples may experience a lack of communication, negative communication patterns, or an increasing emotional distance between them.

2. Miscommunication

Miscommunication can mean anything from being less open about one’s feelings and thoughts to not discussing important matters or sharing details about one’s day. This absence of dialogue can cause misunderstandings, exacerbate existing problems, and create an overall sense of disconnect.

When communication does occur, it might shift to a more negative tone, this may include:

  • Harsh criticism
  • Sarcasm
  • Nagging

3. Emotional Distance

Instead of acting as a constructive force, these negative communication patterns can erode the foundations of the relationship and contribute to the growing emotional distance. As emotional distance increases between partners, they may experience:

  • Less eye contact
  • Reduced physical touch
  • A decline in shared activities and interests
  • Decreased empathy towards each other’s feelings

These factors contribute to a sense of detachment and disconnection, driving a wedge between the couple and exacerbating their sense of isolation. Due to this growing divide, it becomes increasingly difficult for the partners to work together to address the issues plaguing their marriage.

Good To Know: Couples can take steps to address the challenges between the stages of a dying marriage. This may involve seeking professional help or engaging in open, honest conversations to gain a better understanding of each other’s needs and expectations.

Emotional Consequences

The emotional consequences of a failing marriage can be severe, as the relationship’s decline manifests itself in different ways. During the stages of a dying marriage, a couple may experience:

  • Resentment
  • Frustration
  • Depression
  • Anger

These feelings often escalate as the distance between the parties grows, leading to increasingly negative consequences for both individuals.


For instance, resentment can build up, causing couples to have a strong dislike and bitterness towards each other. This emotion often results from unresolved conflicts and unmet expectations in the relationship, making it difficult for them to reconcile their differences.


Another major negative emotion is frustration. Couples may feel frustrated due to the lack of effort shown by their partner, unfulfilled promises, or repeatedly facing disappointment. Frustration can lead to increased emotional distress, and ultimately harm the marriage further.


Depression and sadness can set in as the reality of the failing marriage becomes more apparent. Both partners may experience a sense of despair or hopelessness about their future together and might struggle to find the motivation to continue working on the relationship. Additionally, depressive symptoms can worsen when a spouse feels lonely or lacks emotional support.


Anger can also play a prominent role in the emotional landscape of a failing marriage. Couples may find themselves in frequent arguments, with conflicts escalating in intensity. This can result in a toxic environment that is not conducive to resolving issues or moving forward.

Infidelity and Betrayal

Brunette woman hiding cellphone near jealous boyfriend in bedroom.
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In the stages of a dying marriage, one of the most painful and challenging issues to deal with is infidelity. This breach of trust can leave both partners feeling betrayed and doubting their partner’s loyalty.

Infidelity and betrayal can cause a ripple effect of doubt, rejection, and lack of trust in a marriage. Though it’s a challenging journey, with open and honest communication and concerted efforts, many couples can heal and rebuild their broken relationships.

The first stage of infidelity can take many forms and may include emotional and/or physical affairs, leaving the couple grappling with the aftermath of these betrayals.

The initial shock and disbelief experienced by the hurt partner can be followed by an array of emotions such as anger, hurt, and rejection.

As feelings surface, the healing process of an unhealthy marriage can seem daunting for both parties involved. Lack of trust plays a significant role in the challenge of mending a marriage after an affair. The cheated spouse may find it difficult to trust their partner again, while the unfaithful partner may struggle with feelings of guilt and shame.

Stages of a failed marriage

To work towards rebuilding the relationship, it’s essential for the couple to understand the stages of their failed marriage. They may go through these phases during this difficult period:

  1. Denial: The partner who has been betrayed may initially refuse to acknowledge or accept the reality of their partner’s infidelity.
  2. Anger: As denial fades, anger may emerge towards the unfaithful spouse, often accompanied by feelings of betrayal and injustice.
  3. Bargaining: The hurt partner may attempt to regain control over the situation by engaging in a series of negotiations or stipulations with their spouse.
  4. Depression: The persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness may set in if the couple fails to make progress in repairing the relationship.
  5. Acceptance: In the final stage, the couple comes to terms with the infidelity, whether it’s by ending the marriage or finding ways to rebuild trust and move forward together.

KinVibes Pro-Tip: It’s crucial for the unfaithful partner to take accountability for their actions and to offer a sincere apology without excuses. Similarly, the hurt partner should work towards forgiveness and focus on themselves for their emotional healing.

Physical and Emotional Disconnect

Bearded man lying on bed and texting on smartphone near his wife.
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As a marriage starts to face issues, one of the major signs is the growing physical and emotional disconnect between the partners. This disconnection can manifest as a lack or complete absence of intimacy, both emotional and physical.

During this stage of dying marriages, couples may experience a gradual decline or complete halt in physical intimacy, making them feel distant from each other. Oftentimes, this may result from:

  • Avoiding intimate moments
  • Decreasing sexual activities
  • Feeling indifferent about each other’s needs

This lack of physical closeness puts a strain on the marriage, with couples often feeling neglected and isolated.

Furthermore, emotional detachment emerges, resulting in partners failing to communicate their feelings or share their concerns. Emotional intimacy becomes scarce, and couples often stop investing time and effort in maintaining the connection. This state causes the relationship to suffer and results in increasing isolation and dissatisfaction.

However, not all is lost in this stage. It’s essential to recognize the signs and take action to combat the growing disconnect. Couples can work on:

  • Rekindling emotional intimacy: Share feelings, express concerns, or plan regular date nights to improve communication.
  • Reinitiating physical intimacy: Gradually work on touching, hugging, or holding hands to foster closeness.
  • Seeking professional help: A therapist may assist in finding solutions and improving communication skills.

Disrespect and Negativity

Lack of Respect

A major symptom in the decline of a marriage is the lack of respect between partners. This often starts with minor incidents, like interrupting each other or disregarding opinions, but it may escalate over time to situations such as name-calling and contemptuous behavior.

When respect is lost in a relationship, it may create a space for bitterness and resentment to grow, hindering a healthy emotional connection between partners.

Some indicators of a lack of respect within most marriages can include:

  • Ignoring or minimizing the other’s feelings
  • Constantly criticizing or belittling your partner
  • Publicly mocking or undermining your spouse
  • Disregarding your spouse’s needs, thoughts, or opinions

Negative Comparisons

Another aspect of disrespect that can surface in a dying marriage is negative comparisons. When one partner starts comparing their spouse negatively to other people, it fosters an environment of insecurity and inadequacy. This can be particularly damaging, as it chips away at the person’s self-esteem and creates a sense of emotional distance within the relationship.

Common ways negative comparisons manifest within a marriage:

  • Comparing your spouse to an ex-partner or a friend’s partner
  • Frequent comments about your spouse’s shortcomings compared to others
  • Wishing your spouse were more like someone else
  • Making your partner feel inferior during conversations or disagreements

Effort and Quality Time

A dying marriage can often be characterized by a lack of effort and spending quality time together. When two people commit to a relationship, they must dedicate time and energy to maintain the bond.

This involves actively seeking opportunities to spend quality time with one another and work on improving mutual understanding and connection.

Regular Date Nights

One way couples can regain connection is by scheduling regular date nights. This may involve going out for dinner, watching a movie, or simply walking together. The key is to focus on each other, communicate openly, and be present in the moment.

Date nights allow couples to spend time together and create lasting memories that help revitalize the relationship.


Communication plays a vital role in facilitating effort and acknowledgment. Sharing the positive aspects of the relationship and expressing gratitude towards one another can significantly impact how couples perceive their partnership. Opening up about personal experiences and expectations helps improve empathy and promotes mutual understanding.

New Activities together

Additionally, couples might consider starting new hobbies or activities together. These hobbies may include:

  • Taking a dance class
  • Cooking classes
  • Joining a sports team

Engaging in these shared experiences fosters camaraderie, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment.

Here are other positive aspects of effort and quality time in relationships that offers strategies to enhance these areas.

AspectDescriptionStrategies for Improvement
Quality Time at HomeSpending intentional time together at home, focusing on each other away from daily distractions.Create tech-free zones or times. Plan home-based activities like cooking together or game nights.
Physical AffectionExpressing love and connection through touch, such as hugs, hand-holding, and cuddling.Make an effort to increase daily physical affection. Recognize and respond to each other’s touch preferences.
Emotional SupportOffering comfort and understanding during challenging times and sharing joys and successes.Check-in regularly on each other’s emotional well-being. Offer support during challenging times, even if it’s just listening.
Celebrating MilestonesRecognizing and celebrating significant events and achievements together.Keep track of important dates. Plan special ways to celebrate milestones together.
Spontaneity and SurpriseIntroducing unexpected elements and activities to maintain excitement and freshness in the relationship.Plan unexpected outings or surprises. Be open to spontaneous plans and ideas.

Children and Family

When a marriage is in decline, the impact reaches far beyond just the couple involved. Children and families are often affected, in ways both small and large. This stage of a dying marriage often involves significant changes in family dynamics, which can lead to increased stress and emotional strife for everyone involved.

In the early stages of a failing marriage, children may begin to notice subtle shifts in their parents’ behavior. They might overhear arguments or sense a growing distance between the two.

As the marriage continues on its downward trajectory, children can be exposed to more intense disagreements, leading to an overall negative environment within the family home.

During this period, parents need to maintain open communication with their children and address any fears or concerns they may have. A few tips to help navigate this period include:

  • Reassuring children that they are still loved and cherished by both parents.
  • Continuing to maintain familiar routines and activities to ensure a sense of stability.
  • Encouraging open dialogue between children and both parents, making sure their emotions are heard and validated.

On Child Custody And Support

As the marriage reaches a breaking point, decisions regarding child custody and support may need to be made. This often complicates an already emotionally charged situation, as parents grapple with how to divide their time and resources. When considering these arrangements, it’s crucial to prioritize the children’s best interests and ensure that their needs are met while minimizing any additional emotional trauma they may experience during this transition.

To make this process as smooth as possible, parents should keep in mind the following:

  1. Work together to create a fair custody agreement that is in the best interest of the child.
  2. Be flexible and open to adjustments in the visitation schedule and custody arrangements as needed.
  3. Avoid using children as a bargaining chip or weapon against the other parent.
  4. Prioritize the child’s emotional well-being and try to maintain a sense of normalcy in their lives during this difficult time.

Moving Towards Separation

In the later stages of a dying marriage, both partners may begin to move towards separation, both emotionally and physically. This process often happens gradually, as the couple becomes more distant and disconnected from each other. Often, their communication becomes more infrequent, and they may start to lead separate lives even while still living together.

During this period, it’s not uncommon for individuals to start moving forward and focusing more on themselves, their personal growth, and their own interests. This progression can sometimes lead to the following:

  • New hobbies
  • Friendships
  • Romantic interests outside of the marriage

Pursuing these personal goals can be a coping mechanism and a way to escape the emotional turmoil within the relationship.

on couples’ disengagement

As the couple continues moving on, they may begin to disengage from their spouse and no longer see each other as a source of support or companionship. They might start to avoid discussing their problems or making any effort to fix the situation. This emotional detachment can lead to a lack of intimacy within the relationship, both emotionally and physically.

  • Emotional disconnection
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Separate interests and hobbies

With time, the idea of separation might start to become more appealing for both individuals. They may see it as a necessary step towards achieving happiness and fulfillment, separate from the relationship that has been causing them stress and pain. This mindset towards separation is often a significant indicator that the marriage is approaching its end.

Legal Aspects of Divorce

When a marriage enters its final stages, it’s crucial to be familiar with the legal aspects of divorce. Engaging a divorce lawyer or a divorce attorney can provide valuable legal advice to navigate the process smoothly.

Step 1. Gather All Legal Documents

The first step in any divorce is to gather all the necessary legal documents. These include financial records, deeds, and agreements made during the marriage. It’s crucial to be transparent and organized, ensuring the divorce process is fair and efficient.

During a divorce, legal counsel plays a crucial role. They help in dealing with various aspects such as:

  • Negotiating property division
  • Handling child custody disputes
  • Arranging child support
  • Calculating spousal support

Step 2. Choose A Suitable Lawyer

It’s essential to choose a divorce lawyer who understands your needs, listens to your concerns, and is sensitive to your emotional state during this challenging time. Remember, legal advice is an investment that can save you from future issues.

Step 3. Participate In The Divorce Procedure

The court plays a pivotal role in the divorce procedure, ultimately deciding on matters like property division, child custody, and spousal support. The division of property can be especially complex, as it typically involves a combination of marital and separate assets. Factors taken into consideration while dividing property include:

  • Length of the marriage
  • The financial situation of each spouse
  • Contributions made by each spouse (financial and otherwise)
  • Any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements

Emotional Well-being and Recovery

husband shouting and raising hand at his wife on a sofa.
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When a marriage is dying, it can take a toll on both partners’ emotional well-being. Healing and recovery involve returning to a state of balance and emotional stability. It is vital to prioritize self-care and seek support during this challenging time.

Physical Health as a Foundation for Emotional Recovery: Firstly, taking care of one’s physical health is essential for emotional recovery. Make time for regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get sufficient sleep. Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can also aid in reducing stress and anxiety.

Acknowledging and Expressing Emotions: Next, it’s crucial to acknowledge and accept one’s emotions. It is completely normal to feel a wide range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear, and even relief. Allowing oneself to experience and express these feelings is important for healing. Journaling or talking with a close friend or family member can be helpful outlets for emotional expression.

Finding Support in Shared Experiences: Connecting with others who are going through or have experienced a similar situation can provide valuable emotional support and reassurance. There are numerous support groups, both online and in-person, where individuals can share their stories and perspectives.

Leveraging Existing Support Networks: Furthermore, leaning on one’s existing support network of friends and family can foster a sense of stability and safety. They can offer practical help, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on during difficult times. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

Professional Assistance in Emotional Healing: Lastly, consider seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling. A licensed mental health professional can offer personalized guidance and tools to navigate the emotions and challenges of a dying marriage. They can also help identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to the marital difficulties.

Professional Help and Counseling

When a marriage reaches a difficult point, seeking professional help can be a necessary step. Couples may find it challenging to navigate relationship troubles on their own, and this is where therapy or counseling can be particularly valuable.

Therapists and counselors offer their expertise in various aspects of a relationship, such as handling conflict, communication, and intimacy issues.

By providing an unbiased viewpoint, these professionals can help couples identify the root causes of their problems and suggest practical solutions to address them.

Deciding to seek professional help is not always an easy decision. However, it’s essential to recognize when a marriage is struggling and consider counseling as an option for healing and growth. Some signs that might indicate a need for professional guidance include:

  • Constant arguing or inability to resolve conflicts
  • Lack of intimacy or affection
  • Trust issues, such as infidelity
  • Feeling disconnected from one’s partner

When choosing a counselor or therapist, it’s essential to find someone both partners feel comfortable with and who has experience in dealing with similar issues. Couples may also want to consider the following factors:

  1. Credentials and specialization of the therapist
  2. Location and availability of sessions
  3. Costs and insurance coverage

A few types of therapy that might be beneficial for couples include:

  • Individual therapy: Each partner may benefit from sessions focused on their unique experiences and challenges.
  • Couples therapy: Both partners attend sessions together, focusing on their shared relationship difficulties and working towards a common goal.
  • Group therapy: Attending group sessions with other couples facing similar challenges can offer support and shared experiences.

Rebuilding and Future

Family on vacation.
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When it comes to addressing a dying marriage, rebuilding is a crucial step that can pave the way to a brighter future. This process demands significant effort, dedication, and even professional guidance from both partners.

Couples should understand that reviving the spark in their relationship is their personal decision to make. But when they decide to give it another shot, they should be prepared to forge a stronger connection.

1. improving communication

The first step to rebuilding a shaky marriage involves improving communication. Open dialogue lays the foundation for a strong relationship by ensuring a clear understanding of each other’s thoughts and feelings. Couples should learn to actively listen, empathize, and share without fear of blame or judgment.

2. Identifying issues

Secondly, identifying and addressing the pivotal moments or issues that contributed to the weakening of the marriage is paramount. Couples can work together to find possible solutions, making a conscious effort to learn from the past. With time, choices made together can significantly impact the rejuvenation of their bond.

Being patient and considerate of each other during this process is essential. Healing and rebuilding can take time, so setting realistic expectations is vital. Remember that progress doesn’t always happen at the same pace for both partners, and recognizing the small victories along the way is crucial.

3. Rekindle love and intimacy

Finally, couples should focus on rekindling the love and intimacy that once brought them together. This may include rediscovering shared interests, going on dates, or even setting time aside for each other to reconnect emotionally and physically.

Prioritizing the relationship and finding joy in each other’s company again can truly mend a dying marriage, leading the way to the brighter and more fulfilling future both partners desire.

FAQs About Stages of a Dying Marriage

What are the signs of a marriage breaking down?

Some common signs of a marriage breaking down include poor communication, a lack of effort from one or both partners, increased criticism and blame, growing defensiveness, and emotional disconnection. Additionally, a decrease in intimacy, escalating conflicts, and a general sense of disaffection can point to a relationship in distress.

How can I tell if my marriage is going through a crisis?

A marriage may be going through a crisis if you notice feelings of disillusionment or unhappiness, question if the marriage was the right decision, or feel uncertain about the relationship’s future. Other indicators include feeling emotionally distant from your partner, a decrease in trust, or experiencing unhappiness when together.

What are the common stages of a failing marriage?

Common stages of a failing marriage can include initial denial or ignoring the issues, a growing sense of emotional distance between partners, increased criticism and defensiveness, contempt for one another, and stonewalling or refusing to communicate. As the problems worsen, emotional disconnection deepens, intimacy suffers, conflicts escalate, and ultimately, separation or divorce may occur.

Can a broken marriage be fixed or reconciled?

While not every broken marriage can be fixed, many couples do manage to reconcile and rebuild their relationship. This typically requires effective communication, willingness to change and compromise, and a commitment to working through issues as a team.

What are the typical years for a marriage crisis to occur?

There is no specific timeline for when a marriage crisis may occur, as it varies by individual and by couple. However, some common periods of increased stress in a marriage can include the first few years of marriage, major life transitions such as having children or career changes, and around the time of a midlife crisis or other major life events.

What are some indicators that a relationship is at its breaking point?

Indicators that a relationship may be at its breaking point include a consistent lack of communication, persistent feelings of unhappiness or regret, escalating conflicts, and a general sense of emotional distance and disconnection. When both partners seem unwilling to change or work on their issues, this can also signify that a relationship is reaching its breaking point.


Understanding the stages of a failing marriage is crucial for couples facing relationship challenges. From the early warning signs of disconnection and communication breakdown to the emotional consequences and potential infidelity, recognizing these indicators is vital. It’s essential for couples to acknowledge the impact on children and family dynamics and to consider the legal aspects of divorce carefully.

Prioritizing emotional well-being, seeking professional help, and focusing on effective communication can pave the way for a rejuvenated relationship or a healthier separation. Remember, it’s not just about the end of a marriage but also about the journey of personal growth and emotional resilience for both individuals involved.

About Krystal DeVille

Hello! I’m Krystal DeVille. By day, I wear many hats: a homeschool teacher, wife, and mother. By night, I’m a fervent journalist, pouring my thoughts and experiences onto paper. Parenthood, for me, has been an exhilarating roller-coaster filled with emotions, invaluable lessons, and moments of sheer joy. With three wonderful kids of my own, I’ve journeyed through the highs and lows — from sleepless nights to their very first steps and those unforgettable proud parent moments.

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