Gentle Parenting vs Attachment Parenting: What’s the Difference?

Krystal DeVille

kids playing puzzle.

In the ever-evolving landscape of parenting philosophies, two approaches have garnered significant attention for their focus on nurturing and empathetic child-rearing: Gentle Parenting and Attachment Parenting. While both prioritize the emotional and psychological well-being of children, they stem from different roots and principles.

Understanding Gentle Vs. Attachment Parenting

Gentle Parenting Statistics infographic.

Understanding Gentle and Attachment Parenting involves a compassionate approach that emphasizes the deep emotional bond between parents and their children.

Practicing gentle parenting and attachment parenting involves a commitment to understanding and responding to a child’s needs in a compassionate, respectful manner, fostering a secure, empathetic, and nurturing family environment.

The Essence of Gentle Parenting

Practicing gentle parenting, a subset of attachment parenting, involves guiding children with kindness and respect, avoiding harsh discipline, and embracing a child-centered approach to nurturing their emotional well-being.

Gentle parenting also involves setting clear boundaries and expectations that are appropriate for the child’s age and development.

At the core of gentle parenting is the belief that children should be treated with respect and dignity. This means that parents should avoid using punishment and instead focus on positive reinforcement.

The Core of Attachment Parenting

Attachment parenting style is a parenting approach that is based on the principles of attachment theory. This theory suggests that children need to develop a strong emotional connection with their parents to thrive.

A key aspect is baby wearing or co-sleeping, promoting attachment by keeping infants close. The term attachment parenting was popularized by William Sears’ theory.

Attachment parenting sears is often synonymous with responsive parenting—responding promptly and sensitively to a child’s needs.

Moreover, attachment parents focus on fostering a secure, trusting relationship from the very beginning through practices like birth bonding, where immediate and sustained physical closeness after birth strengthens the initial connection.

On their shared goals

Both gentle and attachment parenting share the goal of developing a strong emotional connection between the parent and child. However, they differ in their approach. While gentle parenting focuses on empathy, respect, and positive reinforcement, practicing attachment parenting is built on the principles of attachment theory and emphasizes immediate bonding and responsiveness to a child’s needs.

Ultimately, these two mainstream parenting will secure attachment early and shall depend on the parent’s individual beliefs and values.

Comparing Parenting Strategies

When it comes to parenting, there are several strategies that parents can adopt to raise happy and healthy children. Two popular parenting strategies are attachment parenting and gentle parenting. While these two strategies have some similarities, they also have some key differences.

Discipline and Boundaries

One of the main differences between the term attachment parenting and gentle parenting is their approach to discipline and boundaries.

  • Attachment parenting emphasizes meeting a child’s needs and building a solid emotional bond with them. As a result, attachment parents who practice attachment parenting may be more permissive when setting rules and boundaries.

  • Gentle parenting emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries and expectations for children. However, peaceful parenting emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement and other non-punitive discipline techniques to encourage good behavior.

Communication and Responsiveness

Both attachment parenting and gentle parenting emphasize the importance of communication and responsiveness.

  • Attachment theory encourages parents to be responsive to their children’s needs and communicate with them lovingly and respectfully.

  • Gentle parenting also emphasizes the importance of communication and responsiveness. However, gentle parenting emphasizes the importance of active listening and empathy when communicating with children.

Physical Contact and Closeness

Attachment and gentle parenting emphasize the importance of physical contact and closeness between parents and children.

  • Attachment parenting encourages skin-to-skin contact, baby wearing, co-sleeping, and bed-sharing.

  • Gentle parenting emphasizes the importance of spending quality time with children and building a strong emotional bond.

Pros and Cons of Each Approach

Family with kids next to a tree.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Benefits of Gentle Parenting

Gentle parenting is a parenting style that focuses on building a strong emotional bond between the parent and child. This approach promotes empathy, understanding, and respect for the child’s feelings and needs.

  1. Safe and secure environment: One of the benefits of gentle parenting is that it helps to create a safe and secure environment for the child, which can lead to better mental health outcomes in the long term.
  2. Responsiveness: Another benefit of gentle parenting is that it encourages parents to be more responsive to their child’s needs. This can help foster a sense of trust and security in the child, leading to better communication and cooperation between parent and child.

Challenges of Gentle Parenting

  1. Time consuming: One of the challenges of gentle parenting is that it can be time-consuming. This approach requires parents to be present and engaged with their child, which can be difficult for busy parents with other commitments.
  2. Consistency: Another challenge of gentle parenting is that it can be difficult to implement consistently. This approach requires parents to be patient, empathetic, and understanding, even in the face of challenging behavior from their child.

Advantages of Attachment Parenting

  1. Physical Closeness: Attachment parenting is a parenting style that emphasizes the importance of physical closeness between parent and child. This attachment theory promotes a strong emotional bond between parent and child, which can lead to better mental health outcomes for the child.
  2. Promote Breastfeeding: Another advantage of attachment parenting is that it can help to promote breastfeeding and baby wearing, which has been shown to have numerous health benefits for both mother and child.

Drawbacks of Attachment Parenting

  1. Exhaustion and Burnout for Parents: The intense focus on being continuously responsive and physically close to the child can lead to exhaustion and burnout, especially for a primary caregiver. This is particularly challenging if the child has difficulty sleeping independently or if the parent has other responsibilities or children to care for.
  2. Dependency and Lack of Independence in Children: Some critics argue that attachment parenting can lead to over-dependency in children known as reactive attachment disorder. The child may struggle to develop independence and self-soothing skills, potentially impacting their resilience and ability to handle challenges.

Influence on Child’s Development

Concept for family consultation with psychologist doctor.
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Emotional and Mental Health

Attachment and gentle parenting prioritize the emotional and mental health of the child.

  • Attachment parenting emphasizes secure attachments between the child and the caregiver, which can lead to a stronger emotional bond and better mental health outcomes for the child.

  • Gentle parenting focuses on building a respectful relationship between the parent and child, which can also positively impact the child’s emotional and mental well-being.

Trust and Security

  • Attachment parenting emphasizes the importance of responding to the child’s needs promptly and consistently, which can help to build trust and security.

  • Gentle parenting, on the other hand, focuses on building a respectful relationship between the parent and child, which can also lead to a sense of trust and security for the child.

Based on attachment theory, research has shown that children with a secure attachment to their caregiver are more likely to feel safe and secure in their environment.

This can lead to better outcomes regarding the child’s overall well-being, including better mental health outcomes and social skills.

Self-Control and Resilience

  • Attachment theory emphasizes the importance of responding to the child’s needs promptly and consistently, which can help the child develop self-control and resilience.

  • Gentle parenting, on the other hand, focuses on building a respectful relationship between the parent and child, which can also lead to the development of self-control and resilience.

Studies indicate that children who form a secure attachment with their caregivers tend to exhibit stronger self-control and resilience.

Furthermore, those maintaining a positive discipline and connection with their parents often display enhanced social abilities and greater resilience when confronting challenges.

Here’s a table of recommended resources for Gentle Parenting and Attachment Parenting, including books, TV shows and movies that provide insights and practical advice for these parenting approaches:

Resource TypeGentle ParentingAttachment Parenting
Books“The Gentle Parenting Book” by Sarah Ockwell-Smith“The Attachment Parenting Book” by William Sears & Martha Sears
“Parenting Without Power Struggles” by Susan Stiffelman“Attached at the Heart” by Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker
“The Whole-Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson“Raising a Secure Child” by Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, and Bert Powell
TV Shows / Documentaries“The Parenting Show” (specific episodes on gentle parenting techniques)“Babies” (Netflix Documentary, relevant episodes on attachment and development)
“Supernanny” (episodes focusing on empathetic and respectful parenting methods)“The Beginning of Life” (Netflix Documentary, explores early childhood development and attachment)
Movies“Parenthood” (1989) – Highlights various parenting styles and challenges“Like Father, Like Son” (2013) – Explores themes of nature vs nurture and parental bonds

Other Parenting Styles

Young mother and her cute little daughter.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Several other parenting styles differ from attachment and gentle parenting. Each of these styles has its own unique characteristics and can have a significant impact on a child’s development.

Permissive Parenting

A lack of rules and structure characterizes permissive parenting. Parents who practice this style tend to be lenient and allow their children to make their own decisions. While this can lead to a sense of freedom for the child, it can also result in a lack of discipline and poor decision-making skills.

Children may struggle with:

  • Following authority figures
  • Have difficulty following rules

Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parenting is the opposite of permissive parenting. Parents who practice this style tend to be strict and enforce rigid rules. While this can lead to discipline and structure, it can also result in a child’s lack of creativity and independence.

Children may struggle with:

  • Decision-making
  • Have difficulty expressing themselves

Tiger Parenting

Tiger parenting is a style that emphasizes academic achievement and success above all else. Parents who practice this style tend to be highly demanding and push their children to excel in school and extracurricular activities. While this can lead to high achievement, it can also result in a lack of social skills and emotional well-being.

Children may struggle with:

  • Form anxiety
  • Create depression

Traditional Parenting

Traditional parenting is a style that emphasizes respect for authority and adherence to cultural norms. Parents who practice this style tend to be conservative and value traditional gender roles and family values. While this can lead to a sense of stability and cultural identity, it can also result in a lack of acceptance of diversity and individuality.

Children may struggle with:

  • Accepting differences in others
  • Lack of recognition of one’s uniqueness

Frequently Asked Questions

Is gentle parenting the same as authoritative parenting?

No, gentle parenting is not the same as authoritative parenting. Authoritative parenting is characterized by high levels of control and demands, along with high levels of warmth and responsiveness. On the other hand, gentle parenting is a parenting style that is characterized by empathy, understanding, and respect for the child’s needs.

What are some recommended gentle parenting books?

Some recommended gentle parenting books include “The Gentle Parenting Book” by Sarah Ockwell-Smith, “Parenting Without Power Struggles” by Susan Stiffelman, and “The Whole-Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson.

What are the pros and cons of gentle parenting?

The pros of gentle parenting include:

  • Promoting a strong bond between parent and child
  • Fostering emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Encouraging positive behavior through positive reinforcement

Meanwhile, the cons of gentle parenting include:

  • Potentially being seen as permissive
  • The challenge of balancing the child’s needs with the needs of the family as a whole

How does gentle parenting compare to permissive parenting?

Gentle and permissive parenting are similar in that both styles prioritize the child’s needs and emotions. However, permissive parenting lacks the structure and boundaries that gentle parenting provides, which can lead to the child feeling insecure or entitled.

What is the difference between Montessori parenting and gentle parenting?

Montessori parenting is a parenting style that is based on the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. Montessori parenting emphasizes independence and self-directed learning, while gentle parents emphasize empathy and connection. While there is some overlap between these two conscious parenting styles, they are not the same.

What are some criticisms of attachment parenting?

Critics of attachment parenting argue that it can lead to over-dependence on the parent and can be difficult to maintain in practice. Additionally, some critics argue that attachment parenting can be exclusionary to fathers and can place unnecessary pressure on mothers to be constantly available to their children.


It is clear that while each approach has its distinct philosophy, its core aim is harmoniously the same: to enrich the child’s life and support their development.

Ultimately, the journey of parenting is unique to each family, and these approaches offer diverse pathways. As you navigate through parenting tips, always prioritize what best fosters your child’s development and strengthens your family bond. The most impactful aspect of parenting is not the method you choose, but the love, understanding, and consistency you bring to your child’s life.

About Krystal DeVille

Hello! I’m Krystal DeVille. By day, I wear many hats: a homeschool teacher, wife, and mother. By night, I’m a fervent journalist, pouring my thoughts and experiences onto paper. Parenthood, for me, has been an exhilarating roller-coaster filled with emotions, invaluable lessons, and moments of sheer joy. With three wonderful kids of my own, I’ve journeyed through the highs and lows — from sleepless nights to their very first steps and those unforgettable proud parent moments.

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