Effects of Helicopter Parenting in Adulthood

Krystal DeVille

Father and daughter holding hands.

Helicopter parenting has become increasingly familiar. At this time, their implications on adult children continue to unfold in complex layers. Helicopter parenting is a style characterized by over-involvement in the lives of children. It extends into the years when these children blossom into young and emerging adults. This parenting style is rooted in the intentions of most parents and weaves a unique blend in the parent-child relationship, often marked by the struggles for autonomy and independence.

The Evolution of Helicopter Parenting

mother and daughter holding hands and talking to each other.
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Historical Perspective

Helicopter parenting isn’t a new phenomenon. Its roots can be traced back to the more protective parenting styles of the past, albeit with a contemporary twist. Over the decades, societal changes and increased academic and social pressures have intensified these parenting approaches.

Modern Family Dynamics

In today’s society, helicopter parenting has evolved to adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by the modern world.

The pace at which we live is characterized by rapid technological advancements and intense competition in nearly every aspect of life. As a result, it has significantly influenced this kind of parental involvement.

Adaptation to Technological Advancements

The digital era, a prominent feature of modern life, has transformed how parents interact with and oversee their adult children. The advent of smartphones and social media platforms has given parents continuous, real-time access to their children’s lives.

How does constant connectivity affect parents’ ability to monitor their children?

  • Monitor their adult children’s online presence
  • Track their physical location through various apps
  • Stay updated on their day-to-day activities with unprecedented ease

Influence of Online Information

The influx of online information has heightened anxieties about the world’s dangers and uncertainties.

Today, a helicopter parent can be bombarded with news and stories about accidents. They often witness crimes, and a variety of risks, amplifying their fears and often leading to more controlling behaviors. Because of this overexposure to negative information, helicopter parents tend to become overly protective.

Competitiveness and Career Involvement

In addition, the competitive nature of today’s world, especially in terms of academic and career achievements, further fuels helicopter parenting.

A helicopter parent often feels compelled to actively involve themselves in their adult children’s educational and professional pursuits. This involvement in children’s lives can range from influencing career choices to intervening in workplace issues. In addition, this stage of emerging adulthood hinders the adult child’s ability to develop independence and resilience in professional settings.

Social Media and Peer Comparison

Social media also plays a critical role in perpetuating helicopter parenting. A helicopter parent can observe and compare their children’s accomplishments and lifestyles with those of their peers through platforms like:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

This comparison can lead to increased pressure among these emerging adults to meet their parents’ expectations. These are frequently influenced by the curated and often unrealistic portrayals of success that are prevalent online.

Identifying Signs of Helicopter Parenting in Adulthood

Mother disappointed in her son.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Over-dependence on Parents as an Adult

Over-dependence on parents in adulthood, a direct outcome of helicopter parenting, manifests in various aspects of an individual’s life.

Not only do these young adults often over-rely on seeking advice, but they also frequently depend on their parents for fundamental life decisions, including:

  • Choosing a career path
  • Selecting a romantic partner
  • Making everyday choices like what to wear or eat

Financial dependence is also critical, where emerging adults find it challenging to manage their finances independently, relying on their parents for continual support or bailouts.

This dependence significantly hinders the development of autonomy, leaving these young people ill-prepared to handle life’s responsibilities without parental intervention.

Lack of Decision-Making Skills As A Grown Up

Adults raised by helicopter parents often exhibit a pronounced inability to make decisions. This indecisiveness stems from a lifetime of having choices, leading to a deep-seated uncertainty in their ability to make sound decisions.

As a result, when faced with decisions – whether minor or significant – these individuals may experience anxiety, procrastination, and an overwhelming fear of making the wrong choice.

This lack of decision-making skills can have far-reaching consequences that can affect the following aspects:

  • Career progress
  • Personal relationships
  • Overall life satisfaction

Fear of Failure

The fear of failure can be debilitating for adults who have experienced helicopter parenting. They often lack resilience and the ability to cope with setbacks because they were shielded from the natural consequences of failure throughout childhood and adolescence.

Fear of failure often leads to:

  1. This fear can manifest as risk-aversion, where they shy away from opportunities with minimal risk of failure, thereby limiting their personal and professional growth.
  2. It can also lead to perfectionism, where individuals set unrealistically high standards for themselves, driven by the fear of disappointing their parents.

Relationship Challenges

Helicopter parents tend to impact an individual’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.

These emerging adults may struggle with dependency issues, either becoming overly reliant on their partners or attracting partners who seek to control them, mirroring their parental relationships.

They may also have difficulty establishing boundaries, leading to conflict or dissatisfaction in relationships.

Through children’s lives, their skewed perception of relationship dynamics, shaped by their experiences with controlling parents, can lead to unrealistic expectations from their partners and friends.

Low Self-Esteem and Confidence Throughout Life

Most parents exhibit constant oversight and control among these young adults. Over involved parents can severely impact the self-esteem and self confidence of their adult children.

Growing up in an environment where their abilities were frequently doubted or undermined, these individuals often internalize a belief that they are incapable of handling life independently.

How does this parenting style affect the college students’ well-being?

  1. Chronic self-doubt/low self-esteem
  2. Sense of inadequacy
  3. Persistent need for external validation

Overall, this kind of parental involvement can hinder their personal and professional development, affecting their ability to take on challenges, engage in new experiences, and assert themselves in various life situations.

The Psychological EFFECTS of Helicopter Parenting

girl covering face while mother is yelling.
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Anxiety and Stress

Here’s an overview of the different psychological impacts associated with anxiety and stress, along with ways to mitigate these effects.

Effect of Helicopter ParentingSample ScenariosImpact on ChildrenPotential Solutions
Heightened Anxiety and StressChildren constantly feeling they must meet high parental expectations, often in academic or extracurricular activities.Increased levels of anxiety and stress due to the fear of disappointing parents. May lead to reduced self-confidence and self-efficacy.Encouraging autonomy in decision-making; parents setting realistic expectations; promoting a growth mindset rather than a fixed one.
Consequences of Sheltered UpbringingLack of opportunities to make mistakes and learn from them because parents intervene too often.Difficulty in handling setbacks or stressors, potentially leading to chronic anxiety or anxiety disorders. Reduced resilience.Allowing children to experience and learn from failures; parental guidance rather than intervention; fostering problem-solving skills.
Effects of Need for ControlChildren observing and internalizing their parents’ controlling behaviors, trying to exert control in all aspects of their lives.Can lead to burnout, depression, and stress-related physical health issues. May struggle with independence and self-regulation.Teaching and modeling healthy coping mechanisms; encouraging balanced lifestyles; therapy or counseling as needed.

Impaired Coping Mechanisms

At their stage of emerging adulthood, individuals who have been subject to helicopter parenting typically display impaired coping mechanisms. This impairment is a direct consequence of not having the opportunity to develop resilience and problem-solving skills during their formative years.

As a result, they may resort to maladaptive coping strategies such as avoidance, denial, or substance abuse.

They might also heavily rely on their parents or other authority figures for emotional support and decision-making, reflecting an inability to process and manage their emotions independently.

This overreliance prevents the development of self confidence and autonomous coping strategies, making it challenging for these individuals to deal with life’s normal stresses and pressures.

In a social context: They might seek constant reassurance or validation from peers and superiors, displaying a lack of self-trust and an over-dependence on external approval.

The combination of these factors from these parenting styles can lead to a cycle of anxiety and ineffective coping, which can further exacerbate mental health issues and hinder personal growth and development.

FAQs for Signs of Helicopter Parenting in Adulthood

What are the first steps an adult can take to overcome the impacts of helicopter parenting?

To overcome the impacts of helicopter parenting during emerging adulthood, an individual should start by recognizing and acknowledging its influence on their life.

  • Seeking professional counseling or therapy can be crucial to addressing underlying issues.
  • Establishing self-confidence, building independence through small, manageable decisions, and developing a support network outside of the parental relationship are also key steps.
  • Practicing self-compassion and understanding that the journey towards autonomy is a gradual process is essential for personal growth.

How can parents identify if they are engaging in helicopter parenting?

Most parents can identify over-involved parenting by reflecting on their level of involvement in their adult child’s daily decisions and problems.

  • Assessing whether they are offering support or taking control of their child’s challenges is crucial.
  • They should consider if their actions are driven by their own anxieties or their child’s needs and seek feedback from their child and others about their parenting style.
  • Being open to learning and applying more balanced parenting approaches is also important.

What are some common misconceptions about helicopter parenting?

Some common misconceptions about these parenting styles include the belief that it is always negative when in fact, the intention often stems from a place of love and concern.

It’s also misunderstood that its effects are limited to children at a young age, whereas they can extend into adulthood. The impact of over parenting varies greatly among different families and cultures, and it’s not just the parents who are to blame; societal pressures and external influences also significantly shape parenting styles.

How does helicopter parenting affect an adult’s professional life?

Helicopter parenting can affect an adult’s professional life by causing struggles with autonomy and decision-making at work. Kids raised by involved parents may face difficulty in accepting and learning from professional failures or feedback, managing workplace relationships, and asserting themselves. They might be unable to develop problem-solving skills, which can hinder their leadership potential.

Can helicopter parenting have positive aspects?

Helicopter parenting can have positive aspects as it often stems from a deep commitment to the child’s life, particularly to their well-being and success. It can provide a strong support system and a sense of security for the child’s own decisions. Helicopter parenting might lead to higher engagement in the child’s education and extracurricular activities and, in moderation, can encourage close parent-child relationships and open communication.

Wrapping Up – Find Balance AND AWARENESS After Helicopter Parenting

stressed girl looking at her laptop dark background.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Helicopter parenting, with its close involvement and protectiveness, leaves a lasting mark on adults. This parenting style, filled with love and worry, often leads to adults who struggle with anxiety, making decisions, and believing in themselves.

Ultimately, the key to change is awareness and action. For parents, it means learning to let go and trusting their grown-up children to manage their own lives. For these adults, it’s about embracing their journey, learning to stand on their own, and making their own choices. This shift isn’t just about becoming independent; it’s about changing the story of their lives from being overly protected to being confident and self-reliant. Every step towards doing things on their own is a big win, showing the amazing ability to grow and flourish.

About Krystal DeVille

Hello! I’m Krystal DeVille. By day, I wear many hats: a homeschool teacher, wife, and mother. By night, I’m a fervent journalist, pouring my thoughts and experiences onto paper. Parenthood, for me, has been an exhilarating roller-coaster filled with emotions, invaluable lessons, and moments of sheer joy. With three wonderful kids of my own, I’ve journeyed through the highs and lows — from sleepless nights to their very first steps and those unforgettable proud parent moments.

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