How to Win Back an Alienated Child: Essential Tips

Krystal DeVille

toddler playing lego.

In parenthood, few experiences are as heart-wrenching as facing the reality of an alienated child. When the dynamics of parental alienation take root, it’s not just the parent-child relationship that suffers; the entire family structure feels the strain. This situation often involves an alienating parent whose intentional or unintentional actions can profoundly impact the child’s life.

Understanding Alienation

In the process of how to win back an alienated child, understanding the dynamics of parental alienation is key. This situation typically unfolds when an alienating parent influences the child against the other parent, leading to a strained or severed parent-child relationship.

Parental alienation occurs when a child becomes estranged from one of their parents, often as a result of psychological manipulation by the other parent. This alienation can be deliberate or unintentional and often occurs in the context of highly contentious divorce or custody battles.

When you suspect parental alienation, it’s vital to recognize the signs of a child turning away from an alienated parent. Therefore, understanding Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is essential to identify and address the problem.

Identifying Signs of Alienation

The targeted parent may notice the following signs of alienation:

  • The child refuses to spend time with the targeted parent.
  • The child shows no affection towards the targeted parent.
  • The child speaks negatively about the targeted parent.
  • The child blames the targeted parent for the divorce or separation.
  • The child is reluctant to share information about their life with the targeted parent.

Parental Alienation Syndrome

KinVibes Pro-Tip: Understanding alienation and PAS is the first step in winning back an alienated child.

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) describes the psychological condition of a child’s life who has undergone alienation. It is not a diagnosis in the DSM-5, but some mental health professionals recognize it.

In severe cases of alienation, the child may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • The child insists that the targeted parent is evil or dangerous.
  • The child refuses to see or speak to the targeted parent.
  • The child shows no guilt or remorse for their behavior towards the targeted parent.
  • The child has no interest in maintaining a relationship with the targeted parent.

In moderate cases of alienation, the child might show some of the above symptoms but remains persuadable to spend time with the targeted parent.

Overall, alienated parents should seek the help of a mental health professional experienced in dealing with parental alienation.

Legal Considerations

When navigating strategies on how to win back an alienated child, there are important legal considerations to keep in mind. These include child custody and working with family law professionals.

Navigating Child Custody

In cases of parental alienation, the court may have to modify the existing custody arrangement to meet the child’s best interests. It is essential to work closely with a family law attorney with experience handling high-conflict divorces and child custody cases.

The judge will consider several factors when making a custody decision, including:

  1. Child’s relationship with an alienating parent and the other parent
  2. Age of alienated child and developmental needs
  3. Ability of both or one parent to provide a safe and stable home environment

Working with Family Law Professionals

Family law professionals can be invaluable when trying to win back an alienated child. A family law attorney can help navigate the legal process and advocate for the child’s best interests.

In addition, a parenting coordinator or therapist can help facilitate communication and improve the relationship between the custodial parent and the alienated child.

Building Emotional Connections

Building emotional connections is an essential step on how to win back an alienated child. It involves fostering communication, rebuilding trust, and patience. By doing so, a positive relationship can be established between the alienated parent and the alienated child.

Fostering Communication

Communication is the foundation of any relationship and is crucial in reconnecting with an alienated child. The rejected parent must make an effort to communicate with the child regularly, this can be done through:

  • Phone calls
  • Text messages
  • Writing letters

Listen to the child and understand their perspective without being judgmental. The other parent should also express their own feelings and thoughts honestly and openly.

Rebuilding Trust and Patience

Winning back an alienated child takes time, patience, and unconditional love. The other parent must be patient and consistent in reconnecting with the child. Meanwhile, one parent should avoid being pushy or demanding and instead focus on building trust.

Family members can implement this through:

  • Keeping promises
  • Being reliable
  • Showing the child that they are loved and valued

Rebuilding trust also involves acknowledging any mistakes that may have contributed to parental alienation. Furthermore, alienating parents should take responsibility for their actions and make amends where necessary. Targeted parents should also respect the child’s boundaries and avoid pressuring them into anything they are not ready for.

Therapeutic Interventions

Concept for family consultation with psychologist doctor.
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When it comes to the process of how to win back an alienated child, therapeutic interventions can be incredibly useful. Two types of therapy that may be helpful are reunification therapy and individual therapy.

1. Engaging in Reunification Therapy

Reunification therapy involves working with a trained therapist to help rebuild the relationship between the parent and the child. The therapist will work with both or one parent and the child to identify the issues that led to the alienation and develop strategies to overcome them.

The goal of reunification therapy is to help the parent and child reconnect in a healthy and positive way.

During reunification therapy, the therapist may use various techniques to help rebuild the relationship between family members and both the parent. These involves:

  • Role-playing exercises
  • Communication skills training
  • Family therapy sessions

Let’s take a look at the table to better understand the specific approaches and benefits of each method in the context of dealing with parental alienation.

Therapeutic InterventionObjectivesMethodsExpected Outcomes
Reunification TherapyTo rebuild and strengthen the relationship between the alienated child and the parent.Structured sessions with both child and parent. Activities to enhance empathy and understanding. Conflict resolution techniques.Improved communication, reduced conflict, and a re-established bond between the parent and the child.
Individual Therapy (Child)To provide the child with a safe space to express and process their feelings about the alienation.One-on-one counseling sessions. Art or play therapy for younger children. Cognitive-behavioral techniques.Better emotional regulation, understanding of the situation, and development of healthy coping mechanisms.
Individual Therapy (Parent)To assist the parent in understanding their role in the alienation and develop strategies for positive change.Personal counseling sessions. Stress management techniques. Guidance on effective parenting strategies.Enhanced self-awareness, improved parenting skills, and strategies for positively engaging with the child.

2. Seeking Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can also be helpful in cases of parental alienation. In individual therapy, the child can work with a therapist to explore their feelings about the alienation and develop coping strategies to deal with the situation.

Individual therapy can also be helpful for the alienating parent, as it provides a safe space to process their emotions and develop strategies for dealing with the alienation. A therapist can help the alienating parent identify their contributions to the situation and develop strategies for rebuilding the relationship with their child.

KinVibes Pro-Tip: When seeking therapy for parental alienation, it is vital to find a family therapist who is experienced in working with families and has a strong understanding of the dynamics of parental alienation.

Strategies for Reconnection

kid throwing a tantrum.
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Dealing with Anger and Anxiety

When it comes to reconnecting with an alienated child, it’s important to remember that it’s a process that requires patience and understanding. Many alienated children may be feeling a range of emotions, including anger and anxiety, and it’s important to be sensitive to these feelings.

  1. An alienating parent should deal with anger and anxiety by acknowledging the child’s feelings and validating them.
  2. Remember to actively listen to what the child says and acknowledge their perspective.

Combating Misinformation and Denigration

When a child’s behavior has been alienated, they may have been exposed to misinformation and denigration about the other parent. This can make it difficult to reconnect, as the child may have a negative view of the other parent.

One strategy for combating misinformation and denigration is to focus on building a positive relationship with the child. Some examples involve:

Don’t get defensive or aggressive, as this can worsen the situation. Instead, focus on building a positive relationship with the child and addressing any issues calmly and respectfully.

The last strategy is to address any misinformation or denigration directly. This can be done by calmly and respectfully correcting any false information that the child has been told, and by avoiding speaking negatively about the other parent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Family with toddlers watching TV.
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What’s the best approach to reconnect with a child who feels distant?

The best approach is to be patient and understanding especially when the child appears reluctant. It’s essential to let the child know that you love them and that you’re there for them. Try to listen to their concerns and show empathy towards their feelings.

Can you share some tips on what to say and what to avoid when talking to a child who’s been turned away?

When talking to a child turned away, especially in cases involving emotional abuse, avoiding blaming or badmouthing the other parent is important. Instead, focus on your love for the child and your desire to be a part of their life. Try to keep the conversation positive and avoid getting defensive

How might you go about writing a heartfelt message to a child who’s estranged?

When writing a heartfelt message to alienated kids, it’s important to be honest and sincere. Let the child know how much you love and miss them, and express your desire to reconnect. Be careful not to place blame or make accusations, as this can push the child further away.

What strategies exist for parents trying to reverse the effects of parental alienation?

Some strategies for parents trying to reverse the effects of parental alienation include seeking therapy, healthy co parenting, focusing on positive communication with the child, and avoiding negative talk about the other parent. It’s also important to respect the child’s feelings and work towards rebuilding trust.

Is there a way to tell if a child is severely alienated, and what can be done?

Signs of severe parental alienation cases may include a complete rejection of the parent, a lack of empathy towards the parent, and a strong loyalty to the other parent. If a child is severely alienated, it’s important to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. It’s also important to continue to show love and support for the child, to stop parental alienation.

Do estranged children eventually return to their parents, and how can you facilitate this?

Estranged children can eventually make their way back to their parents, but it may take time and effort on both sides. It’s essential to continue to show love and support for the child, even if they are resistant. Facilitating a reunion and shared parenting time may involve gradual contact, mediation, or family therapy.


As we’ve learned, winning back an alienated child requires patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of the complexities involved in parental alienation. This journey is not just about reversing alienation, but also about fostering a healthy, enduring relationship with your child. The role of family therapy, legal considerations, and therapeutic interventions cannot be overstressed, as they provide essential support in navigating this challenging path.

Remember, every child deserves a loving and positive relationship with their parents, and with dedication and the right approach, it is possible to heal the wounds of alienation and strengthen your bond with your child.

About Krystal DeVille

Hello! I’m Krystal DeVille. By day, I wear many hats: a homeschool teacher, wife, and mother. By night, I’m a fervent journalist, pouring my thoughts and experiences onto paper. Parenthood, for me, has been an exhilarating roller-coaster filled with emotions, invaluable lessons, and moments of sheer joy. With three wonderful kids of my own, I’ve journeyed through the highs and lows — from sleepless nights to their very first steps and those unforgettable proud parent moments.

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