Strict Rules and High Expectations: The Authoritarian Parenting Style

Authoritarian parenting is marked by strict rules and high expectations, emphasizing obedience and harsh discipline sometimes.

This style can lead to emotional consequences for children, including stress, low self-esteem, and challenges with autonomy.

Factors like cultural norms, personal upbringing, and societal pressures can drive this approach. Alternatives include authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting, each with distinct characteristics. 

Strict Rules and High Expectations

Children who are raised with strict rules and high expectations in an authoritarian parenting style are often expected to follow a set of rules without question.

Parents who practice this style believe that strict rules and high expectations will teach their children discipline and respect for authority. These parents set clear boundaries for their children’s behavior and enforce them consistently.

Children in this type of parenting style are often expected to meet high academic standards and excel in various activities.

The strictness of this parenting style can cause children to feel pressure always to meet expectations and fear the consequences of not doing so.

While high expectations can push children to achieve, it can also lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Strict Rules and High Expectations: The Authoritarian Parenting Style

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